Canada rules the world
InSecurity re-imagines Canada as a superpower
By BRIAN GORMAN, Edmonton Journal
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If you want to parody spy shows and movies, re-imagining Canada as a world power goes a long way toward establishing the right tone of insanity. As series co-creator Kevin White says, InSecurity -debuting Tuesday, Jan. 4, on CBC Television - is set in "a superpower that is tricking the world."
"We all thought that was a pretty funny idea," he says. "Instead of going the route of Canada being under-funded and not very good, which we kind of know to be the norm, let's go the other way.
"So Canada's a superpower."
We may not be a superpower in this world, but the characters of InSecurity will be painfully familiar to anyone who has followed some of the crazy goings-on in Canadian security and intelligence over the years.
Set in Ottawa, it follows the exploits of a team of super-agents charged with protecting some of the country's top secrets -such as the "fact" that we have one of the world's most powerful military establishments.
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