Corner Gas Animated pays tribute to Mike O’Brien’s ‘Wes Humboldt’
"I know he would get such a kick out of it." — Robin Summerfield
Barb Pacholik, Regina Leader-Post, Regina Leader-Post
Seeing yourself — not to mention your late husband — in a cartoon form is a surreal moment.
There were tears, but also smiles when Robin Summerfield previewed an upcoming Corner Gas Animated episode that pays tribute to “Wes Humboldt,” played in the original series by her husband Mike O’Brien. The animated episode also includes a guest appearance by Summerfield, referred to only as “Wes’s widow.”
“I feel like I kind of looked like me,” she recalled, chuckling during a recent interview. “But the bigger thrill for me was seeing Mike,” she added.
“I know he would get such a kick out of it.”